Joyfully Co-Parent + Step-Parent Highly Sensitive Children —

as a Highly Sensitive Parent


5 Keys to Consciously Create a Harmonious, Blended Family

LIVE: Tuesday, June 17th at 12:00pm PT

A video replay will be sent to everyone who pre-registers.

Reserve your FREE seat by entering your first name and email below:

    REAL TALK: It’s not easy navigating divorce, co-parenting and/or step-parenting.
    It’s difficult for the adults and the children!
    Add in being highly sensitive, deeply feeling and empathic and it’s a prime scenario for emotional disregulation and overwhelm.

    • If your home is full of yelling, blaming, storming off, shutting down…
    • If family members feel generally icky or irritable…
    • If the air is heavy with regret or you’re lamenting your new family…
    • If.. perhaps…  your new life is intruding on your old self… then you are invited to this live masterclass where we’ll discover how good it can be.

    Blending a family is rarely easy— but it’s also a gorgeous opportunity for deep connection, authentic transformation, personal growth and emotional healing.

    Hi! I’m Melissa Schwartz. Join me for this free masterclass where we’ll explore all things co-parenting, step-parenting and blending highly sensitive families. I’m a step-mom, a coach for highly sensitive families, co-author of “Authentic Parenting Power” and “Rico the Race Car” and I’ve moved through alllll the feelings and experiences you just read about. You are not alone in navigating these very complex emotions and experiences.


    ꩜ You are a highly sensitive person navigating co-parenting and/or being a step-parent and you realize you aren’t honoring your own needs as a deeply feeling, empathic person (but really, really want to)

    ꩜ You are finding a “new normal” after divorce and/or remarriage (or cohabitating) and you need support figuring out how to make it all work

    ꩜ You want to co-parent more peacefully with your child(ren)’s other parent and don’t know how to soften your heart to them, communicate unemotionally or find your power in a situation that feels powerless

    ꩜ You need support balancing your own needs with those of your child (or step-child) because you’ve been drowning in responsibilities and trying to “be perfect”

    ꩜ You are ready to let go of the guilt you feel about being divorced and/or re-married and need help processing your own emotions while taking care of your children



    ꩜ You are co-parenting or step-parenting a highly sensitive child and are feel overwhelmed, anxious and exhausted managing these emotionally complex and demanding relationships

    ꩜ You recognize that your deeply feeling, empathic child needs more unique support to handle having divorced parents, a blended family and/or living in two homes and need a guide to outline “how to” do it

    ꩜ Your child(ren) strugge with transitioning between homes and you’ve found traditional co-parenting wisdom and strategies just aren’t working for your family

    ꩜ Your child(ren) have big tantrums and show signs of emotional disregulation (or seem shut down and emotionally closed off) and you need conversation openers that will work

    ꩜ You want to learn how you can best help your child(ren) grow up to be happy and confident and need quick, easy, efficient tools that are guarunteed to work

    Reserve your FREE seat by entering your first name and email below:

      A video replay will be emailed to everyone who pre-registers.


      “Melissa, thank you again for your time and all your helpful advice. You helped me see my daughter through new eyes.”

      ES, Southern California

      “Melissa, so much has been moving forward. Our conversations and your encouragement and heart has been so beneficial to my parenting. Sending you lots of love and appreciation!”

      KD, Southern California

      “Melissa, I will always be grateful for the way you helped me understand my wonderful, sensitive son. I had a personal awakening.”

      WB, New York

      "I so appreciate the work you do and the tools you teach. Thank you for offering this program. Thank you for sharing your insights and experience."

      KB, Arizona

      "I get so much from your teachings. Your insights and experience have been so helpful. Your life's work has been a great benefit to me."

      DL, Oklahoma

      "Melissa, your insight has been amazing! Thank you for being a guiding light for me."

      ML, New Zealand

      "Thank you for your enthusiasm, insight and the work you’re doing for all us sensitive people. I love hearing what you have to say about it all. Just great and so helpful."

       JC, Canada

      "I’m doing really well and your support and input have been an ESSENTIAL part of that."

      KB, New York City

      "You’re changing the world! My inner child continues to be blessed by your influences. Your loving presence strengthens my forward momentum. I hope you have a coach in your life as valuable as you are to me!"

      BM, Maryland

      “Thanks so much. You don’t know what it means to have your support on this journey!”

      RR, Indiana

      "Oh my goodness Melissa! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! I appreciate you!"

       AJ, New Jersey