for sensitive familieS


I’m Melissa Schwartz, co-founder of Leading Edge Parenting and co-author of “Authentic Parenting Power” and “Rico the Race Car: Rico’s Bumpy Week“.

I’ve coached thousands of families on 6 continents and will help you bring calm to your home and specific wisdom to address your family’s unique needs.

I work directly with parents and children (starting around age 7) and teach emotional regulation, walk you through creating boundaries and consequences that are loving and effective and bringing calm and peace back to your home.


“Melissa, thank you again for your time and all your helpful advice. You helped me see my daughter through new eyes.”

ES, Southern California

"I am feeling so grateful to be in Abundantly Sensitive and loving the support and group! Grateful for you! "

CD, Indiana

“Melissa, so much has been moving forward. Our conversations and your encouragement and heart has been so beneficial to my parenting. Sending you lots of love and appreciation!”

KD, Southern California

“Melissa, I will always be grateful for the way you helped me understand my wonderful, sensitive son. I had a personal awakening.”

WB, New York

“Melissa, thank you SO much!! My daughter and I are doing much better. I am much more aware and understanding of her sensitivity, and have learned to “let go” and trust she makes choices and reacts the way she does for her own survival. After our conversations, I have come to terms more with the fact that what I see with her is merely a sketch of the full portrait of what is to come and to just trust it will be fantastic. My perspective has been changing, and that is the best anyone could ask for. To be open minded and free of anxiety to let her grow to her full potential. Thank you for giving me the confidence to understand that!"

DW, Florida

“Melissa, your insight has been amazing! Thank you for being a guiding light for my husband and for me.”

MP, New Zealand

"I so appreciate the work you do and the tools you teach. Thank you for offering this program. Thank you for sharing your insights and experience."

KB, Arizona

"I get so much from your teachings. Your insights and experience have been so helpful. I am so grateful to have been able to participate in this group. I am an honest-to-a-fault type of person, so you know this is not bullshit. Your life's work has been a great benefit to me."

DL, Oklahoma

"Melissa, your insight has been amazing! Thank you for being a guiding light for me."

ML, New Zealand

"Thank you for your enthusiasm, insight and the work you’re doing for all us sensitive people. I love hearing what you have to say about it all. Just great and so helpful."

 JC, Canada

“Hi Melissa!!! Thanks so much for Sunday! It went much better than I anticipated. My husband was reluctant but he came out with an open mind. My daughter already asked me if she can do meetings with you privately. I’m so glad she likes you, I think it’s probably nice to feel like someone gets her. Thanks again!”

MS,  Southern California

"I’m doing really well and your support and input have been an ESSENTIAL part of that."

KB, New York City

"You’re changing the world! My inner child continues to be blessed by your influences. Your loving presence strengthens my forward momentum. I hope you have a coach in your life as valuable as you are to me!"

BM, Maryland

“Thanks so much. You don’t know what it means to have your support on this journey!”

RR, Indiana

"Oh my goodness Melissa! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! I appreciate you!"

 AJ, New Jersey

"Tonight was amazing!!! This has been such an amazing gift. It has done sooooo much for me, I truly feel part of something bigger than myself now."

 MM, Massachusetts

This work is for you if:

⫸ You dreamt about becoming a parent— but life doesn’t feel like a dream.

⫸ You love your child(ren) but often feel like you’re failing them.

⫸ You listen to parenting podcasts, read all the books and blogs but still go to bed at night feeling badly about how you handled the day’s challenges.

⫸ Your marriage is suffering because your partner won’t listen to you (or listen to the podcasts, read the books, etc.) and you disagree about how to discipline your children

⫸ Your work performance is suffering because your home life sucks.

⫸ You want to be a better parent to your child(ren) than you grew up with… if only you knew how.

⫸ You feel like you’re failing your family and yourself.


I work directly with parents* as well as children (starting around age 7) to help you achieve and sustain the changes you desire— including emotional regulation, having clear boundaries and consequences that are loving and effective and bringing calm and peace back to your home.

*Please note that while I use “Mom and Dad” to represent primary parents in the program descriptions below I also recognize that families are unique and may include two moms or two dads, step-parents, grandparents, foster parents, etc.

Your specific family dynamics will be honored and supported.

✺ The Quick Fire

This is for parents who are looking for some quick answers and solutions– if you have some pointed questions you want answered or otherwise think a ‘one off’ session is up your alley, this is for you!

This 90 minute call will be held on Zoom and includes an MP3 recording and transcript of the call uploaded to a private dropbox for you for $750.

    ❍ The BLANCHING pot

    This is for parents who are just starting the transformational journey of becoming the people who can help their children to regulate their emotions, reduce tantrums and/or address sleep issues. You need strategies that will work and want some surefire tools to address a couple of pinpointed challenges.

    This program does not include coaching for your child(ren).

    You'll receive:


    You’ll have up to 4 (60-90 minute) coaching calls in one month. These calls can be with Mom, Dad, or Mom and Dad as feels most beneficial.


    A private family dropbox will become your personal archive of audio recordings and transcripts of all scheduled Zoom calls.


    You are encouraged to email and/or voice message challenges that come up between sessions. I’ll read and listen to these correspondences to prep for each of our calls ensuring we make the most of our time together. 


    I only work with a handful of families at a time in this tier so that I can be fully present for you.


    Your 1 month coaching program is $2,500.

    ✧ The poaching pot

    This is for parents who are ready to dive deep into the transformational journey of self healing that is required to create lasting change and healthy, lifelong relationships with your children– if you and your spouse or co-parent aren’t in agreement about what discipline looks like. You need a neutral, wise mentor to guide you through setting up deliberate discipline structures (including rules, boundaries, routines and conequencse that are loving and effective in changing behavior.)

    This program does not include coaching for your child(ren).

    Our first month together will utilize included sessions to conduct an intake process comprised of individual and group calls with all members of the family (as appropriate) to identify the challenges, sticky points and outline your specific goals:

    • Private call with Mom
    • Private call with Dad
    • Call with Mom and Dad
    • We’ll create a customized family game plan to achieve your goals

    You'll receive:


    You’ll have 3 (60-90 minute) coaching calls each month. These calls can be with Mom, Dad, or Mom and Dad as feels most beneficial.


    A private family dropbox will become your personal archive of audio recordings and transcripts of all scheduled Zoom calls.


    You are encouraged to email and/or voice message challenges that come up between sessions. I’ll read and listen to these correspondences to prep for each of our calls ensuring we make the most of our time together. 


    I only work with a handful of families at a time in this tier so that I can be fully present for you.


    Your 3 month coaching program is $5,000. Monthly payments are available.

    ◈ The SIMMERING Pot

    This is for parents and children who wish to dive deep, as a family, into the transformational journey of self healing– You likely find yourself negotiating and bargaining with a child who is manipulative and pushes back. Perhaps you and your partner aren’t in agreement about what discipline looks like. You have a vision of how you want your family to feel and are ready to make it a reality!

    If you want me to work with your children, this is the program for you.

    Our first month together will utilize included sessions to conduct an intake process comprised of individual and group calls with all members of the family (as appropriate) to identify the challenges, sticky points and outline your specific goals:

    • Private call with Mom
    • Private call with Dad
    • Call with Mom and Dad
    • Call with each individual child
    • Call with nanny or au pair (if applicable)
    • Call with whole family (all parents and children)
    • We’ll create a customized family game plan to achieve your goals

    You'll receive:


    You’ll have 6 (60-90 minute) coaching calls each month. These calls can be with Mom, Dad, an individual child or any constellation of the family as feels most beneficial.


    A private family dropbox will become your personal archive of audio recordings and transcripts of all scheduled Zoom calls.


    You are encouraged to email and/or voice message challenges that come up between sessions. I’ll read and listen to these correspondences to prep for each of our calls ensuring we make the most of our time together. 


    I only work with a handful of families at a time in this tier so that I can be fully present for you.


    Your 3 month coaching container is $9,000. Monthly payments are available.

    ꩜ The Boiling Pot

    This is for families in crisis– if you can’t go three hours without your kid melting down, if you dread your weekends and/or if one of your kids sucks up 90% of your (negative) attention this is package is for you.

    Our first month together will utilize included sessions to conduct an intake process comprised of individual and group calls with all members of the family (as appropriate) to identify the challenges, sticky points and outline your specific goals:

    • Private call with Mom
    • Private call with Dad
    • Call with Mom and Dad
    • Call with each individual child
    • Call with nanny or au pair (if applicable)
    • Call with whole family (all parents and children)
    • We’ll create a customized family game plan to achieve your goals

    You'll receive:

    ꩜ 24/7 TEXT SUPPORT

    24/7 text support to respond to you in the moment. Get ongoing, handheld feedback as you navigate ongoing challenges and breakdowns with newfound support, clarity and confidence.


    You’ll have 6 (60-90 minute) coaching calls each month. These calls can be with mom, dad, an individual child or any constelation of the family as feels most beneficial.


    These emergency calls can be utilized as needed, in any family constelation that feels most beneficial. Watch your family transform as you get the on demand, wise nurturing you deserve.


    A private family dropbox will become your personal archive of audio recordings and transcripts of all scheduled Zoom calls.


    You are encouraged to email and/or voice message challenges that come up between sessions. I’ll read and listen to these correspondences to prep for each of our calls ensuring we make the most of our time together. 


    I only take two families at a time in this tier so that I can be fully available to you.


    Your 3 month program is $18,000. Monthly payments are available.

    ✺ The Scorched Pot

    This is for families in crisis– if you’ve wished you could have me see what goes on in your home and whisper in your ear, this is for you! You likely have a hard time articulating exactly what the problem is in your home, but it feels chaotic and stressful and you want it to change. When I get to observe firsthand how you and your child/ren interact I can offer the most impactful feedback to change the dynamics, rapidly! This exclusive experience will kickstart immediate, immense transformation for your entire family.

    During this family retreat you’ll have me in your home for two back to back 12-hour days so I can observe the dynamics, defiance and power struggles unfold while giving you real time coaching.

    Southern California weekends are $12,500.
    Weekends elsewhere in the USA are $16,000.
    International clients are invited to inquire for pricing.


    You will learn:

    ⫸ Easy to apply discipline strategies that foster connection and cooperation.


    ⫸ Concepts and tools that will grow with your child.

    ⫸ How to talk about your emotionally intense, strong willed child to others to cultivate respectful relationships (and end unwanted feedback!)

    ⫸ What misbehavior really means and how to change it from the inside out.

    ⫸ How to get your kids to stop lying, manipulating and using foul language without threats or punishments.

    ⫸ How to end sibling rivalry and fighting.

    ⫸ Tips and tricks to turn your children into self-motivated, helpful, responsible, independent beings.

    ⫸ The simple way to move your child(ren) through transitions with ease.