Step-Parenting for Sensitive Women

A supportive 3-month journey for deeply feeling, empathic step-moms to feel grounded, nourished and joyful in their insta-family — as parents and partners ♥

July – SEPTEMBER 2024

Your solo days of leisure are gone.

You moved in with your beloved and *voilà*!


You feel overwhelmed with the energy in your home, meeting the needs of others and finding your role as step-mom.

If you…

⫸ Are a step-mother (or soon to be step-mom) and want support navigating the transition while honoring your own needs and wants


⫸ Find your nervous system rattled or fried while spending time with your step-child/ren


⫸ Feel like your home isn’t “yours” and you want to find your own space amongst everyone else


⫸ Feel cloudy, murkey, full and overwhelmed after spending time with your step-child/ren


⫸ Weren’t a parent and *poof*! Now you are! You aren’t exactly sure what it should look like but you know what you want it to feel like


⫸ Want to learn how to be better— a better step-mom, partner and version of yourself


⫸ Don’t even know what you don’t know as a step-mother, but know you need some support and guidance


⫸ Either can’t talk to your partner about how your feeling, or need someone else to talk to so you don’t burn your partner out

...then this is for you!

◈ Vulnerable Share:

I’ll admit it, I was naive.

I thought getting married and becoming a step-mom was going to be a breeze.

After all, I’ve been working as a parent coach for over a decade.
I’ve helped hundreds of families navigate differing parenting styles and successfully address behavioral challenges.

But it’s different when it’s your own family.

And the truth is that it taken several years for me to navigate this huge adjustment.

Actually, I think we’re all still adjusting!

There’s a big difference between having your own child and mothering someone else’s.

The pace is different.
The connection is different.
The layers of bonding are different.

It’s an uphill experience for everyone involved.

Especially when everyone involved is highly sensitive.
Deeply feeling.

(Even our dog that we adopted as an 8 week old puppy!)

We all have nervous systems that are easily overstimulated.
We all had to settle into major life changes.
We must move at a slower pace.

And in doing so… we found our family’s rhythm.

We’re in sync.
We honor our needs.
We navigate the inevitable challenges with curiosity instead of fear.

Are you ready to settle into your new life with the same cadence?

Do you want your home and family to function with more confidence and ease?

I’m here to love and support you on this blending-your-family- journey as you honor your own needs, your experiences and your very valid emotions.

XO, Melissa


Melissa Schwartz helps Highly Sensitive People master their emotions, set healthy boundaries (within themselves and with others) and embrace their capacity for deep empathy.

She draws on both her extensive professional training and deep personal experience to support highly sensitive families on 6 continents. Melissa is an author, public speaker, transformational coach, co-founder of Leading Edge Parenting and an internationally respected expert in the field of Highly Sensitive Children. She is the co-author of “Authentic Parenting Power” and “Rico the Race Car”.

As three time host for The Shift Network’s “Sensitives, Intuitives and Empaths Summit”, Melissa has taught over 250,000 people how to reparent their inner highly sensitive child, to identify (and heal) their core wounds and why trauma may be more intense for sensitive people than others.

Melissa and her husband, step-daughter and highly sensitive animals (including their dog, Maggie, and flock of chickens) live in Southern California. She is a Stanford University alumna and a graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.



We’ll meet 2 times each month for a 60-90 minute group call. Sessions start at 9:00am PT Tuesdays starting July 10th.


Each member of Step-Parenting for Sensitive Women gets a private, 60-minute coaching call with Melissa during the group container. You’re invited to add additional 1:1 coaching sessions during the other months if it feels inspired.


These are the practical, useful building blocks of your blended family. Each session will introduce new tools that you’ll take out into your home to integrate. We’ll build on them with each session. 


You’ll discover the power of deliberate breath and focused mind. Melissa will lead you through guided visualizations to bring you into deeper connection with yourself and your family.


We are all learning together in this earth school and being seen, held and loved through trial and error is an exceptional way to embrace growth and sustainable change.


This container is dedicated to sensitive women and an optimal environment to grow connection with a sisterhood of empathic souls. 


Our private group is the place to stay connected, share successes and struggles and get coaching between calls. It is only for members of our container.


"I am feeling so grateful to be in Abundantly Sensitive and loving the support and group! Grateful for you! "

CD, Indiana

"Tonight was amazing!!! This has been such an amazing gift. It has done sooooo much for me, I truly feel part of something bigger than myself now."

MM, Massachusetts

"Oh my goodness Melissa! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! I appreciate you!"

AJ, New Jersey

"I get so much from your teachings. Your insights and experience have been so helpful. I am so grateful to have been able to participate in this group. I am an honest-to-a-fault type of person, so you know this is not bullshit. Your life's work has been a great benefit to me."

DL, Oklahoma

"Melissa, your insight has been amazing! Thank you for being a guiding light for me."

ML, New Zealand

"Thank you for your enthusiasm, insight and the work you’re doing for all us sensitive people. I love hearing what you have to say about it all. Just great and so helpful."

JC, Canada

"I’m doing really well and your support and input have been an ESSENTIAL part of that."

KB, New York City

"You’re changing the world! My inner child continues to be blessed by your influences. Your loving presence strengthens my forward momentum. I hope you have a coach in your life as valuable as you are to me!"

BM, Maryland

"I so appreciate the work you do and the tools you teach. Thank you for offering this program. Thank you for sharing your insights and experience."

KB, Arizona

“Thanks so much. You don’t know what it means to have your support on this journey!”

RR, Indiana


✺ knows that she doesn't know it all ✺

» Maybe being a step-mom is more overwhelming than you anticipated.

» Or maybe you regret committing to a partner who already has children.

» Or you’re happy with where life is but you need support navigating the energetic and sensory overwhelm that comes with your family.

» Perhaps you’re looking for a community of other women to navigate the same growth edges as you, normalize your experiences and witness your expansion.

» What would it mean if you could take care of your own needs while also being a loving presence for your family?

Freedom. Peace. Bliss.

✺ Is ready to let go of painful thoughts and stories ✺

» You deserve to release outdated beliefs about yourself and your family.

» Perhaps you have some resentments towards your partner or the other parent of your step-child/ren.

» Maybe you’re judging the way they behaving… (you know who they are!) You can have a loving, unique, joyful relationship with everyone in your chosen family.

» You can have boundaried relationships that feel mutually respectful and loving.

» Together, we will navigate the challenges and pitfalls of having a blended family.

» This is the support you’ve been waiting for to create the life of your dreams.

✺ Is calling in a sensitive sisterhood ✺

» You deserve to be held as you expand into your role as step-mother.

» You will create community with other like-minded steps from all corners of the Earth who are called to do this work, who feel the inner drive to thrive.

» You’ll be fully supported by a tribe of sensitive women as you move through this process and emerge as the most authentic, lit up, whole version of yourself.

» There is abundant opportunity to develop deep, long lasting, soul fulfilling friendships with other women moving through similar life challenges through this experience.



Following your initial deposit, your credit card will automatically be billed $444 on the last day of July and August 2024.

Pricing jumps to $1,111 full pay and $444/month on June 29th